Director and screenwriter Kevin Munroe brings the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to the 21st century with TMNT. This animated film-made with computer-generated imagery (CGI)-finds the four genetically mutated, pizza-loving turtles a less than coherent family unit: Leonardo (James Arnold Taylor) is in Central America, training to be a better leader; Donatello (Mitchell Whitfield) is manning an IT help desk; Michelangelo (Mikey Kelly) is making the children's party circuit as an entertainer; and Raphael (Nolan North) is secretly spending his nights as the city's resident vigilante. Leonardo's return fails to unite them; in fact, it only increases his brother Raphael's resentment. But when monsters begin appearing in New York City and are pursued by both the mysterious Foot Clan (another group of crackerjack Ninjas) and some menacing stone statues that have come to life, the brothers must band together under the tutelage of their Sensei, a mutated rat named Master Splinter (Mako) and fight for their city. Director Kevin Munroe Star Patrick Stewart, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Chris Evans, Kevin Smith, Ziyi Zhang, Mako, Special Features: Full Frame & Widescreen Audio: Dolby Surround 5.1, English, Spanish, French Additional Release Material: Alternate Scenes, Ending and Opening Audio Commentary, Kevin Munroe, Director Deleted Scenes Featurettes, 1. "Voice Talent, First Look" Runtime: 87 minutes Year of Release: 2007.