Synopsis: Kenan & Kel are serving up laughs in this zany comedy inspired by the popular Kel routine from Nickelodeon's series All That. Can fast-food counter dudes Ed (Kel Mitchell) and Dex (Kenan Thompson) battle big business? Catch up with the gags as Ed and Dexter scramble to save their jobs and stop Mondo Burger's bid for fast-food domination! Co-starring Sinbad and featuring cameos by hoopster Shaquille O'Neal, funkster George Clinton and others, Good Burger is one tasty comedy. - Calling all dudes-buckle up, because the dynamic duo of fast food is making a comeback in Good Burger 2! Join Dexter Reed (Kenan Thompson) and the OG cashier Ed (Kel Mitchell) as they reunite at the present-day Good Burger with a hilarious new crew of employees. The laughs are bigger, the antics are crazier, and this time, Ed and Dex are on a mission to save the entire fast-food industry! Brace yourselves for cameo appearances from the original Good Burger and new faces as well! This extra-crispy release comes with over 30 minutes of special features, including an extended blooper reel. Order's up for a nostalgic and side-splitting adventure!
Synopsis: Kenan & Kel are serving up laughs in this zany comedy inspired by the popular Kel routine from Nickelodeon's series All That. Can fast-food counter dudes Ed (Kel Mitchell) and Dex (Kenan Thompson) battle big business? Catch up with the gags as Ed and Dexter scramble to save their jobs and stop Mondo Burger's bid for fast-food domination! Co-starring Sinbad and featuring cameos by hoopster Shaquille O'Neal, funkster George Clinton and others, Good Burger is one tasty comedy. - Calling all dudes-buckle up, because the dynamic duo of fast food is making a comeback in Good Burger 2! Join Dexter Reed (Kenan Thompson) and the OG cashier Ed (Kel Mitchell) as they reunite at the present-day Good Burger with a hilarious new crew of employees. The laughs are bigger, the antics are crazier, and this time, Ed and Dex are on a mission to save the entire fast-food industry! Brace yourselves for cameo appearances from the original Good Burger and new faces as well! This extra-crispy release comes with over 30 minutes of special features, including an extended blooper reel. Order's up for a nostalgic and side-splitting adventure!
Synopsis: Kenan & Kel are serving up laughs in this zany comedy inspired by the popular Kel routine from Nickelodeon's series All That. Can fast-food counter dudes Ed (Kel Mitchell) and Dex (Kenan Thompson) battle big business? Catch up with the gags as Ed and Dexter scramble to save their jobs and stop Mondo Burger's bid for fast-food domination! Co-starring Sinbad and featuring cameos by hoopster Shaquille O'Neal, funkster George Clinton and others, Good Burger is one tasty comedy. - Calling all dudes-buckle up, because the dynamic duo of fast food is making a comeback in Good Burger 2! Join Dexter Reed (Kenan Thompson) and the OG cashier Ed (Kel Mitchell) as they reunite at the present-day Good Burger with a hilarious new crew of employees. The laughs are bigger, the antics are crazier, and this time, Ed and Dex are on a mission to save the entire fast-food industry! Brace yourselves for cameo appearances from the original Good Burger and new faces as well! This extra-crispy release comes with over 30 minutes of special features, including an extended blooper reel. Order's up for a nostalgic and side-splitting adventure!