Based on Robert Daley's novel "Tainted Evidence," this gritty police drama from director Sidney Lumet stars Andy Garcia as Sean Casey, a former New York cop now working as an assistant district attorney. Casey's loyalty and moral values are tested when he learns that his father (Ian Holm), a veteran policeman, may have been involved in a major scandal. Richard Dreyfuss, Lena Olin, Ron Leibman, and James Gandolfini also star. 113 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: English Dolby Digital Lossless 5.1, Dolby Digital stereo; Subtitles: English (SDH); audio commentary by Garcia, Leibman, others; documentary; interviews; behind-the-scenes footage; theatrical trailer; TV spots; collector's booklet.
Based on Robert Daley's novel "Tainted Evidence," this gritty police drama from director Sidney Lumet stars Andy Garcia as Sean Casey, a former New York cop now working as an assistant district attorney. Casey's loyalty and moral values are tested when he learns that his father (Ian Holm), a veteran policeman, may have been involved in a major scandal. Richard Dreyfuss, Lena Olin, Ron Leibman, and James Gandolfini also star. 113 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: English Dolby Digital Lossless 5.1, Dolby Digital stereo; Subtitles: English (SDH); audio commentary by Garcia, Leibman, others; documentary; interviews; behind-the-scenes footage; theatrical trailer; TV spots; collector's booklet.
Based on Robert Daley's novel "Tainted Evidence," this gritty police drama from director Sidney Lumet stars Andy Garcia as Sean Casey, a former New York cop now working as an assistant district attorney. Casey's loyalty and moral values are tested when he learns that his father (Ian Holm), a veteran policeman, may have been involved in a major scandal. Richard Dreyfuss, Lena Olin, Ron Leibman, and James Gandolfini also star. 113 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: English Dolby Digital Lossless 5.1, Dolby Digital stereo; Subtitles: English (SDH); audio commentary by Garcia, Leibman, others; documentary; interviews; behind-the-scenes footage; theatrical trailer; TV spots; collector's booklet.